A career path is a progression route within a career framework that outlines the specific roles an employee can move through over time. It defines the competencies, skills, and expectations for each role within a team or department.
Career paths are part of the broader career framework. While the career framework provides the overall structure and leveling, career paths specify the detailed progression routes.
For example, within a career framework for the Sales department, there might be separate career paths for Sales Associates, Senior Sales Associates, and Sales Managers.
Each role in the path has specific competencies and skills required, creating a transparent and clear pathway for employees to follow.
This article explains how to build a career path on Deel.
Before you begin
- Must be a Deel Engage admin.
- Must have Deel Engage enabled on organization.
- Must have Career turned on under Deel Engage.
- Must have set up a career framework, if this isn't done yet, check out our article on how to do that What is A Career Framework and How to Set It Up On Deel
How to build a career path
After creating a career framework, the next step is to create a path within that framework.
To create a path:
1. Go to Engage > Career > Frameworks.
2. Select a career framework, and click Add career path.
3. In the Add career path modal, enter path name - which is required, choose a leveling framework, and add an optional description.
Choosing a leveling framework is necessary to properly structure different career paths. For example, in Product Design, there might be separate paths for individual contributors and managers. The leveling framework ensures that each path is organized correctly. Once the path is created with the chosen leveling framework, a tag will appear. This tag helps identify the path, and additional cards will open to let users add specific job levels within that path.
4. Use Create to complete this process.
By clicking on the ellipsis (three dots), Deel Engage admins will be able to edit a job level, path or a framework as well as delete them.
In the main path card, an overview of the number of job levels and competencies added to a particular path will be visible.
Next Steps
After successfully building career paths for an organization, there's now the need to create competencies and link them to these paths. Check out our article on How to Add Competencies and Link them to Career Paths on Deel
Frequently Asked Questions
[ACCORDION] Is there a limit to how many career paths can be created?
No, there is no limit to how many career paths can be created.
[ACCORDION] How can a level assignment be changed?
Unfortunately, there is currently no direct way to change the level assignment. The current assignment will have to be deleted and the employee reassigned to the desired level.
[ACCORDION] Can an employee be assigned to two career paths?
Yes, an employee can be assigned to multiple career paths.
[ACCORDION] Can an employee be assigned to multiple levels?
Currently, an employee can only be assigned to a single level under a career path, but they can be assigned to multiple career paths and take another level.
[ACCORDION] Can the career level assignments be automated?
No, it is currently not possible to automate career level assignments.