This article guides clients on configuring and managing Cost Centers within their entities and the Global Payroll employees assigned to them.
Cost Centers are separated departments or other business units within an organization to which costs may be charged for accounting purposes.
How to Create Cost Centers for an Entity
Clients have the options of Adding Cost Centers individually, in bulk, or duplicating them from existing entities.
Go to Organization Settings and select Entities. Select an entity followed by the Global Payroll Tab.
Under Cost Centers, select Add.
Select Add Individual, Bulk Import, or Duplicate From Another Entity from the menu.
[ACCORDION] Add Individual Cost Centers
Enter a Cost Center Name and Cost Center Code. Select Add.
If the Cost Center Code matches an archived cost center, selecting Add will un-archive the code and set it to active again.
If the Cost Center Code is already in use, clients will have the option to Edit instead of creating a duplicate entry.
[ACCORDION] Bulk Import Cost Centers
Select to Download CSV Template
After filling the template, return to this screen to Drag & Drop or Browse to upload the file. Select Next.
Review the Cost Center Names & Codes that will be imported. Select Add to confirm import.
[ACCORDION] Duplicate Cost Centers from Another Entity
Select an entity in the drop down menu to duplicate Cost Centers from.
Use the checkboxes to confirm which Cost Centers will be copied. Select Next.
If one or more Cost Centers already exist on the entity, please select whether or not they will be kept or overwritten by the Cost Centers being copied.
Select to either Keep Existing Cost Centers or Overwrite Cost Centers. Select Add to submit.
Bulk Edit & Assign Cost Centers
Once Cost Centers have been added to the entity, clients will need to assign employees from the entity to them.
Select the Action Menu (three dots icon beside the Add button) followed by Assign Employees to bulk edit and assign employees to the entity’s Cost Centers.
Employees can be assigned manually or via CSV file upload. Toggle to switch tabs between these options.
[ACCORDION] Manual Assignment -
Enter the date where these changes will take effect. Select Next.
Use the checkboxes to select employees that will be assigned. Select Next.
Select a Cost Center from the dropdown that the employee(s) will be assigned.
Click “+ Add another Cost Center” to distribute employees across more than one Cost Center.
Set the Distribution Percent to control how employees are assigned across the Cost Centers selected.
Note: The distribution percentages across Cost Centers must add up to 100%.
Select Next to submit.
Select to Download CSV Template
After filling the template, return to this screen to Drag & Drop or Browse to upload the file. Select Update.
Note: Empty Cells in the CSV file will overwrite existing values. To only update a subset of employees, remove all unaffected employees from the file.
Select Yes, Update to confirm and apply the changes.
Edit Cost Center on Individual Employee's Record
Go to People and select an Employee Record from the list
Scroll down to Job Information and select Edit
Enter an Effective Date for the change. Complete Step 1: Job Details. Select Continue
In Step 2: Cost Center, use "Add Cost Center" to select as many Cost Centers as needed
Select Continue to review & confirm changes.
[ACCORDION] Where can I see the cost centers on an employee's record and the effective date of the change?
Navigate to People.
Open the employee's record and scroll down to Job Information.
If new details are effective on a future date, you can select View Update Details. Otherwise, select View History
Review Update Details to see Update Date (Effective Date) and the Cost Centers changes applied/to be applied.