Deel Global Payroll automatically generates detailed Gross to Net Reports each cycle, so clients can see exactly where their money is going on a global scale.
These Gross-to-Net reports are standardized globally, so comparing reports across countries is easy.
Clients can also generate and customize employee deductions and contributions reports per employee for a selected payroll cycle.
In this article:
What kinds of reports can I view and customize with Global Payroll?
Downloading the Gross to Net Report
Downloading the Global Gross to Net Report
What kinds of reports can I view with Global Payroll?
Deel Global Payroll has solved one of the biggest challenges of multi-country, multi-entity payroll management: the lack of standardized and aggregated reporting.
Clients can download and customize a single-cycle Gross to Net Report, choosing whether to include variances or not.
Using our Global Gross to Net Report, we provide clients with the ability to see a consolidated view of all the G2N totals across all Countries, Entities, and Payroll Cycle in a single currency.
This report also allows clients to further drill down to a specific Gross to Net (G2N) for an entity.
Clients can also view, customize, and download a Variance Report, comparing the values to the most recent payroll cycle, or a different payroll cycle of their choosing.
Variance reports can include the overall value of the previous cycle, the percentage difference between the current cycle and the previous cycle, and more. This will help clients easily spot anomalies in the G2N report.
Clients can also generate post-processing reports to see a detailed breakdown of deductions and contributions per employee for a chosen payroll cycle.
How to download the Gross to Net Report
✅ Step 1 - View the Gross to Net Report
The Gross to Net report is a single cycle report.
Select the Analytics icon followed by the Reports tab. Click View under Gross to Net Report
✅ Step 2 - Download G2N report
Click Download Report to download the invoices summary report. Clients can download the report as a CSV, PDF, or Excel file (.xlsx).
Clients can also customize the report fields if they wish.
Clients can choose to allow variance or not in the downloaded report. If they opt to include variances, select a previous comparison cycle.
Click Download
To customize the fields, Click "Edit Columns" to create a custom report.
Select the report columns and then click Apply.
How to download the Global Gross to Net Report
✅ Step 1 - View the Global Gross to Net Report
The Gross to Net report is a single cycle report.
Select the Analytics icon followed by the Reports tab. Click View under Gross to Net Report
✅ Step 2 - Download report
Click Download Report to download the report as a CSV, PDF, or Excel file (.xlsx).
Clients can also click View Breakdown to see further details on employee names, titles, gross pay, deductions, and more.
After selecting to download the file, clients will have the option of exporting the G2N Report Only or G2N Report with Employee Breakdown.
Select an option and click Download Report to export the CSV, PDF, or Excel file (.xlsx).
How to download a Variance Report
✅ Step 1 - View the Variance Report
The Gross to Net report is a single cycle report.
Select the Analytics icon followed by the Reports tab. Click View under Variance Report
✅ Step 2 - Download the report
Click Download Report to download the report as a CSV, PDF, or Excel file (.xlsx).
If the variance report is downloaded as a pdf, all columns will be included.
If the report is downloaded as a csv file, clients can choose to view the report by payroll item and employee, or just by payroll item.
Clients can also create a customized variance report, if they wish.
To customize the fields, click "Edit Columns" to create a custom report.
Select the report columns for the report. Clients can include:
- Current payroll cycle
- Previous payroll cycle
- Off payroll cycle
- Variance percentage
- Variance amount
Click Apply. Columns will be added or removed depending on the client's personalized settings.