This article explains how clients can amend their contractor agreements.
The type of permissible contract edits will depend both on the contract type and invoice status.
✅ Step 1 – Select contractor agreement
Click the People icon on the home page and select the contractor's name from the list.
Then select the Contracts/Agreements section in the worker overview page.
✅ Step 2 – Edit contract
Select Edit Contract to edit the contract details. Click Agree & Sign when finished.
Depending on the contract type, clients can edit start date, end date, job title, payment details, and more.
Can I change the start date?
The start date states the first day of the contractor in the company.
In case the contractor has started several contracts with the company or comes back after some time away, the employment agreement's contract start date still refers to the beginning of the contractor’s engagement with the company.
The Deel Payroll Start Date is the first date for which payroll will be processed for each contract.
The ability to amend the start date will depend on the contract type and whether the first invoice has been paid.
For Fixed contracts, start date may be edited until:
- First adjustment has been added
- First one-off payment has been created
- First invoice has been paid
Clients can delete an adjustment to extend the ability to amend the start date.
For Pay As You Go contracts, start date may be edited until:
- The first work item has been submitted
- The first adjustment has been added
- The first one-off payment has been created
Clients can delete an adjustment or delete the submitted work to extend the ability to amend the start date.
For Milestone contracts, start date may be edited until:
- Start date may be backdated without limit
- Start date may be edited to a future date until the first milestone is approved