[ACCORDION] Why does Deel IT require ID numbers?
Deel IT offers deliveries and collections all around the world.
If we’re delivering equipment to a user outside of the UK, EU or USA, then we may need to request a form of national identification number, which is a unique local identifier, for example a CPF or an Aadhar number. This is to ensure equipment is delivered directly to the team member and it is necessary to complete all necessary arrangements ahead of time.
This information is passed securely to our courier partner, who requires this information to complete the delivery.
[ACCORDION] Which countries require ID numbers?
We require this information from the following countries:
Country | ID Field Name |
Argentina | Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI) |
Bolivia | Cedula de Identidad (CI) |
Brazil | Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF) |
Chile | Rol Único Tributario |
China | Resident Identity Card Number |
Colombia | Número de Identificación Tributaria (NIT) |
Costa Rica | Cedula de Identidad (CI) |
Dominican Republic | Registro Nacional de Contribuyents |
Ecuador | Cedula de Identidad (CI) |
El Salvador | Documento Único de Identidad (DUI) |
Georgia | Tax Identification Number (TIN) |
Guatemala | Cedula de Identidad (CI) |
Guyana | Guyana ID Number |
Honduras | Tarjeta de Identidad (TI) |
India | Aadhar ID |
Indonesia | National Identity Card Number |
Israel | Mispar Zehut |
Kazakhstan | Individual Identification Number (IIN) |
Nicaragua | Cedula de Identidad (CI) |
Pakistan |
Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC)
Panama | Cedula de Identidad (CI) |
Paraguay | Cedula de Identidad (CI) |
Peru | Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI) |
South Africa | South Africa ID Number |
South Korea | Passport Number & DOB (DDMMYYYY) |
Sri Lanka | National Identity Card Number (NIC) |
Suriname | Identiteitskaart |
Turkey |
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kimlik Numarası (TC Kimlik)
Uruguay | Cedula de Identidad (CI) |
Venezuela | Cedula de Identidad (CI) |